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Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's been a while
This past Sunday, I went to Church with a few friends from work
I've never been the type to volunteer to go to church
but when I went it was nice

I started accutane yesterday and I was nervous
 but now I'm feeling alright, I don't feel so anxious
but more excited,
my face has been feeling like a connect
the dots game and it's embarrassing
I feel like my skin has never been this bad and now that it is
I'm thankful that my mom pushed this on me.
I've never been able to understand why my skin
has bothered her so much but now that my skin is becoming worse
I know why it's so hard to look at.
Granted my mom has said some thing about my skin that weren't
right and appropriate to say to your daughter
but she ment it out of love and now I understand that

My younger sister is now in her apartment and it's weird not having her around
we work together but I don't even see her there anymore
I miss her.
Same with my older sister and niece
We talked on skype a few days ago and I was
amazed at how well Skyler was talking
I hadn't seen or talked to her since like march or april
and she has grown up so much
Garrett said for christmas he was going to pay to send me
out to mississippi to see them cause I had been having emotional
breakdowns cause I feel so alone here without
my sisters but we agreed no
christmas gifts cause we both can't afford it
but hopefully soon I will see them soon!

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